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Tânia Salvaterra

Ocean Resilience Innovation Challenge (ORIC) Programme Associate

Tânia works on the implementation and coordination of the Ocean Resilience Innovation Challenge (ORIC), providing oversight to the innovation challenge process. She ensures coordination between candidates, reviewers and ORRAA leadership; as well as post-award engagement between awardees and ORIC stakeholders.

Prior to joining ORRAA, Tânia worked as a Programme Officer at the UNEP World Conservation and Monitoring Centre in the UK, where she developed guidance and tools on the benefits of nature-based solutions for climate change, used to build capacity and support decision-making among public and private sector actors. She has a background in biology and marine ecology; and holds a MSc in Environmental Conservation from University College London.


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Winnie Mwea

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) and Stewardship Lead